Alliance for GP Public Schools Endorses Clint Derringer, Laura Hull, Tim Klepp, and Colleen Worden for Grosse Pointe School Board

Be Informed. Be Engaged. Take Action.

Our Mission

We seek to partner with the Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods communities in the collective effort to create a safe and inclusive learning environment where students can achieve academic success, maximize potential, and become engaged citizens in a vibrant democracy.

Our Vision

To build a coalition of community partners advocating for Grosse Pointe public schools.

Our Values

Prioritizing students

Supporting teachers and administrators

Family and parental involvement

Transparency in governance

Data-driven decisions

Safe, well-funded schools

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Protecting public education from politically-motivated agendas

“Public education is the cornerstone of our community and our democracy.”

~ Horace Mann

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We welcome your skills, expertise, time if you would like to volunteer, and any financial contributions. We all can do our part to support the students, teachers, and mission of GPPSS.